Bizyciti connects customers with great local businesses. Its an online platform which African business owners use to promote their businesses beyond borders.

Why should you use BizyCiti business directory !

The Platform is easy to use and cost efficient. BizyCiti gives a great opportunity for small Businesses to grow by making them more accessible and open the doors for businesses outside their local countries.

  • Register and get your Account live
  • Add your business/Company details ( Here you need to add all required info, images, detailed description about your business, contacts and more.)
  • Promote your business to get more leads/visitors
  • Get InTouch with your customers right from your dashboard
  • Make Appointments for meeting and services
  • Get reviews for your services or products
  • Provide discount coupons
  • Add events, show your page visitors what’s hot happening

The main purpose of this online African business directory is to help African business owners, easily meet their potential clients even beyond borders and grow sustainably.